The new normal is here. In the post coronavirus times, our outlook and approach to daily living and doing business has been altered. As the coronavirus weaved itself into our everyday lives, many business sectors have been hit hard and forced into closure or restructuring. The marijuana industry, in particular, has been spared amid the mandatory shut down orders. Unlike the retail industry, public health officials added marijuana dispensaries as essential business. First in San Francisco and Denver then from state to state, over 20 states joined in and included marijuana dispensaries as essential services. The remaining 13 states allow marijuana sales in one form or another. However, even before the shutdowns were ordered, overall marijuana sales were growing.
The general shift in perception of marijuana has changed drastically in a short period of time. From an illegal substance to an essential service, it seems that the acceptance of marijuana use as an alternative outlet to manage health and recreation is gaining a strong foot hold. It’s no wonder that the recent stay at home directive has driven marijuana sales further upwards. Dispensaries are open for business and even marijuana delivery services have grown exponentially in delivery supported states.
Curbside Pickup
One of the ways marijuana dispensaries have responded to the pandemic is the implementation of curbside pickup. This is a safe and effective way to complete a sales transaction between the business employee and the customer. This business practice may have started during the quarantine, but it appears to be here to stay especially during the initial reopening of businesses. Also, wary of the risk of secondary infections, many customers may prefer this mode of shopping until time and infection rates stabilize.
So in the post coronavirus age, how do businesses safely check IDs?
Whether marijuana dispensaries open with social distancing measures and curbside pickup, dispensaries must re-evaluate and develop best practices for checking identification. Once orders are placed online, over the phone or at the counter, the customer’s ID will likely be visually checked from a further distance. To reduce risk of both virus and liability exposure, employees can simply scan the customer’s ID/DL card with a portable ID Scanner. This allows the ID to be checked without having to touch the ID card and it can be scanned from a distance. Since the customer holds up their ID/DL card, there is no need to touch their ID or run the risk of misreading and miscalculating their Age or Expiration status. The picture should always be compared carefully to the customer. Simplicity and durability is the key factor to using the ID Scanner all the time. Employees have a valuable tool to assist in evaluating and documenting an ID checking transaction. ID transactions can be documented, which is essential for due diligence proof, but less is more these days as stronger consumer privacy laws are being adopted and businesses held liable for ID data breach.
How can ViAge ID Scanners help?
CardCom takes pride in being a business leader working with those in the cannabis industry to handle all of their ID scanning requirements for Age and ID checking. We have history working with cannabis clients and understand the uniqueness of the industry. So now in this time of crisis, we are ready to answer questions and offer our perspective for ID checking at the POS or portably curbside. We are here to answer any questions you may have as you navigate changing state and local requirements.